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Students will learn common pitfalls, the phases of culture shock and how to navigate the changes. During this first meeting, participants will do a simple assessment of their leadership �style.� Instructor: Joined by American Students for Activities4:30PM-5:00PM Location:Health Insurance OrientationDay 4 � Tuesday, July 15, 2014 � Fullerton9:30AM-11:30AM Location: Intercultural Communication 101 What can we learn about ourselves by reviewing the research about cultural differences East and West? Many theoretical approaches regard Asia and the West to be the dominant contrastive cultural traditions. This class will explore the features of those differences and help you to communicate better by knowing some of the differing norms for behavior and communication. Instructor: Lunchtime � Students may explore local restaurants on their own, or may sign up to join the coordinator for a group lunch1:00PM-3:00PM Location: Conflict Resolution In addition to being instructed in conflict resolution techniques, teams will be given a complex challenge which will involve learning to resolve disagreements into a shared approach to a common objective Instructor: 4:00PM-6:00PM Location: Social Mixer (ice-breaker, light refreshments and socializing)Day 5 � Wednesday, July 16, 2014 � Fullerton9:30AM-11:30AM Location: Intensive Practice with English Language for Sports Activities An experienced TESOL instructor will prepare the participants for some lively English language usage at the Rec Center. Teams need to communicate, and during sports competitions individuals need to communicate without thinking. Individual students need encouragement. Learn the vocabulary for competition in English. Students will cluster according to self-assessment insights, and teams will be formed each with a distribution of styles. The activity will culminate with a fun and friendly language-intensive competition.1:00PM-5:00PM Location: Rec CenterRecreation Center Day University Student Leadership Program participants will challenge themselves individually on the rock-climbing wall, learn to dance, and engage in some team sports competition.Day 6 � Thursday, July 17, 2014 � Fullerton9:30AM-11:30AM Location: Leadership 101 Is a leader born or can one make oneself a leader? What are the skills and traits which make a leader? What are the arenas within which one�s personal and cultural style of leadership can be exercised, and how does one find the right one? Students will evaluate their own interpersonal �style� and learn about how teams must compose a variety of balanced work-styles to be effective. The group project will be introduced. Instructor:2:00PM-4:00PM Location:Leadership 102 Review the results of the morning self-assessment and learn some more about theoretical and practical approaches to understanding leadership. This class will involve some activities to practice what has been learned. Instructor:Day 7 � Friday, July 18, 2014 � Fullerton9:30AM-11:30AM Location: Collaboration What are the various models to get people working together, ranging from command and control through group consensus? Using examples from business, what are the most effective ways that our groups can work together toward a successful outcome? This class will guide our work in teams. Instructor: 3:00PM-5:00PM Location: Talent Show Dress Rehearsal For tonight�s party, each team will be encouraged to provide some entertainment6:00PM-9:00PM Location: Talent ShowDay 8 � Saturday, July 19, 2014 � Weekend8:00AM-11:00PMDisneyland Theme ParkDay 9 � Sunday, July 20, 2014 � WeekendFree timeDay 10 � Monday, July 21, 2014 � Fullerton9:30AM-11:30AMTeam Building Activities For any team to succeed, 8 or so essential roles must be carried out with leadership appropriate to each. Learn about these roles, how individuals change roles or take on more than one, and then based on each team�s experience and each individual�s self-assessment, all roles will be distributed among each team�s 5 or so members. Students will then cluster in new temporary teams according to self-assessment insights and role assignments. These teams will be formed each with a distribution of styles. The activity will culminate with a fun and friendly competition. The kit of materials for the final project will be distributed to each team. 2:00PM-4:00PM Location:Toxic and Intoxicating Leadership Are there styles of leadership which would be considered toxic in any culture at any time? What are the cultural, historical and contextual apologies for bullies and tyrants? What should followers do? Students will deepen their understanding of communication theory to sharpen their sense of what makes a �good� leader. What are the features which stand out in any culture or any time or any situation? The class will look at historical leaders to consider the differing forces of culture, gender, warfare, geography and climate in the formation of good leaders. How do peoples make it through tough times intact? Instructor:Day 11 � Tuesday, July 22, 2014 � Fullerton9:30AM-11:30AM Location: Public Speaking & Leadership Public speaking, leadership and professional communication require self-knowledge as well as solid skills. An effective public speaker must know his audience, and that includes the cultural context for the public act of speech. A confident public speaker or communicator is also a good performer. This class will evoke everyone�s personal talents, and help to mesh them appropriately with cultural norms so that each participant can shine. Instructor: 2:00PM-4:00PM Location: Day at the Races Teams will compete in fun and challenging relay-racesDay 12 � Wednesday, July 23, 2014 � Fullerton9:00AM-9:30AM Location: Travel Briefing Learn about what you will see, get maps, find out about shopping and restaurants and learn the rules for the day. Each team will also have some specific instructions for fun things to find and report about.10:00AM-12:00PMUniversity of California, Irvine tour 12:00PM-7:00PMOrange County Fair experience Students will have learned about the importance of agricultural and industrial fairs in the history of the US. Students will experience the tradition of the county fair and its agricultural roots as it persists into the post-industrial era. Groups will be asked to find certain features of the fair and report on their history and meaning in the American context.Day 13 � Thursday, July 24, 2014 � Fullerton9:00AM-11:00AM Location: Public Speaking & Debate Practicum Language coaches will conduct this session to help you to improve your English language usage. How does one engage an audience? An effective leader must be able to read the audience and adjust to different group dynamics and cultural differences. This class will explore and practice the constants and variables in good public speaking. Time will be provided to break up into teams to prepare for tomorrow�s speeches. Instructor: 2:00PM-4:00PM Location: Time for Teams to work on the final presentation Judging for the final presentation will be based not only on the quality of the project �product,� but also on how fully each team incorporates contributions from each team member, and on the team�s reflections about their experience; telling what they learned and how they learned it. Additional points will be given for creativity, thoughtfulness, and integration of what they learned during the course of the entire program.Day 14 � Friday, July 25, 2014 � Fullerton8:00AM-6:00PMShopping at Cabazon OutletsDay 15 � Saturday, July 26, 2014 � FullertonFree timeDay 16 � Sunday, July 27, 2014 � Fullerton9:00AM-7:00PMSan DiegoDay 17 � Monday, July 28, 2014 � Fullerton9:00AM-7:00PMTour of the private University of Southern California(USC) Tour of the public University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Visit to Santa Monica for shopping and the beachDay 18 � Tuesday, July 29, 2014 � Fullerton9:30AM-11:30AM Location: Final Presentation Practice and Preparation Discussion and Program Evaluation Students and instructors will reflect on the overall experience. Students will look for the defining moment in their own leadership experience. Prizes and surprises are in store!1:00PM-4:00PMFinal Project Presentations Panel of Judges:4:00PM-5:00PM Location: Graduation Ceremony5:30PM-7:00PMFarewell DinnerDay 19 � Wednesday, July 30, 2014Free timeDay 20 � Thursday, July 31, 2014(Depart for China Program Contacts Candy Tan, Program Manager International Programs, Asia 657-278-2232 (work) 714-394-4196 (cell) Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:ytan@fullerton.edu" ytan@fullerton.edu Office: College Park, Suite 950-06-07Michelle Hu Academic Program Coordinator International Instructional Development & Management Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:mhu@fullerton.edu" mhu@fullerton.edu Work: (657) 278-8517 Office: College Park, Suite 950Arthur Wang, Associate Director International Programs, Asia 657-278-4190 (work) 714-686-6985 (cell) Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:ahwang@fullerton.edu" ahwang@fullerton.edu Office: College Park, Suite 950-06-07Rick Harrington Program Developer/Manager, China Programs International Instructional Development & Management Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:rharrington@fullerton.edu" rharrington@fullerton.edu Work: (657) 278-8579 Office: College Park, Suite 950Lisa Xue, Director International Outreach International Programs, Asia 657-278-2938 (work) 714-342-4561 (cell) Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:lxue@fullerton.edu" lxue@fullerton.edu Office: College Park, Suite 950-03Program Sponsor Information International Programs, Asia University Extended Education (UEE) California State University, Fullerton 2600 E. Nutwood Ave., Suite 950 Fax: 657-278-7055 Fullerton, CA 92831 United States of America Page: pAGE 1 of numpages 7 : ; < > C E J K ���м������n\Jn\8 #h�i� 5�6�CJ. OJ PJ QJ \�aJ #hA\z 5�6�CJ. OJ PJ QJ \�aJ #h,n� 5�6�CJ. OJ PJ QJ \�aJ )h�"� hA\z 5�6�CJ. OJ PJ QJ \�aJ )h[U� hA\z 5�>*CJ. OJ PJ QJ \�aJ #h,n� 5�>*CJ. OJ PJ QJ \�aJ #hA\z 5�>*CJ. OJ PJ QJ \�aJ &h�"� hA\z 5�CJ. OJ PJ QJ \�aJ h�"� hA\z 5�CJ. PJ j h�[ h�J� UmH nH u h�� 5�CJ. PJ hA\z 5�CJ. PJ ; E ] ^ _ ` ~ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � d� � $G$ If gd�y� $a$gdpN $d� G$ a$gdA\z K L O U V \ ] ^ _ ` � � � � � � � � � � ����۴ۢێmiUDU3U3 hJ8 5�>*CJ OJ PJ QJ aJ h�y� 5�>*CJ OJ PJ QJ aJ &h�J� hA\z 5�>*CJ OJ PJ QJ aJ hA\z #h�&� hA\z 5�CJ4 OJ PJ QJ aJ4 hA\z 5�CJ4 OJ PJ QJ aJ4 &hzz� hA\z 5�CJ. OJ PJ QJ \�aJ #h�� 5�6�CJ. OJ PJ QJ \�aJ )h�"� hA\z 5�6�CJ. OJ PJ QJ \�aJ #h�i� 5�6�CJ. OJ PJ QJ \�aJ #hA\z 5�6�CJ. OJ PJ QJ \�aJ #h�T1 5�6�CJ. 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